Driving Under Suspension

Under 75 Pa.C.S.A. 1543(a), any person who drives a vehicle on any highway or trafficway of the Commonwealth (including roads in Lehigh County) after a suspension (and before it is restored), can be found guilty of a summary offense and be fined $200.  There are however, enhancement provisions for multiple offenses.  

If the suspension was imposed for a DUI, they can be charged with 75 Pa.C.S.A. 1543(b) where they face a $500 fine and imprisonment of 90 days(!).  A person arrested for driving under suspension pursuant to 1543(b) who at the time of the stop has a BAC greater than or equal to .02% or has illegal drugs in their system faces serious enhancements.  If they have more than one prior 1543(b), they face increased fines and 6 months imprisonment.  It is serious business.  

This even applies who have a suspension subsequent to an ARD admission in Lehigh County.  75 Pa.C.S.A. 3811 authorizes a warrantless arrest of a person if the police officer has probable cause to believe a violation of 1543(b) has occurred, regardless of whether the violation occurred in the officer's presence.  This can happen at a hospital or any other facility as long as the officer has probable cause.  

In addition to jail and fines, a conviction of either 1543(a) or (b) will result in additional license suspensions (normally an additional year).  As any Lehigh County criminal lawyer will tell you, you are playing a risky game where you face jail time if you drive with a suspended license and, if you are caught, you should call a lawyer asap to prepare a defense or get a more favorable resolution.